Add lesson to your course / video on demand

You can create a new lesson fro course from here. for the video on demand, you can add video

  • Navigate to My Dashboard > Lessons
  • Click the “Add New Lesson”

This will redirect you the Lesson Creation page, Where you can enter the course details.

Lesson Title

The lesson title is the name of the lesson, which is displayed prominently. It should be a brief and meaningful description that provides learners with a clear idea of the lesson’s topic.

Lesson Status

The lesson status determines whether the lesson is currently viewable to students or still in the process of creation. You can choose between “published” (ready for students to access), “draft” (under construction and not yet visible to students), and “pending” (waiting for approval or review).

Lesson Content

In this field, you provide a brief summary or description of the lesson. This content should offer an overview of what students can expect to learn or the key points covered in the lesson. It serves as a quick reference for learners to understand the lesson’s content.

Lesson Settings

Lesson Materials

This is where you can input the lesson content that will be displayed on the lesson page.

Assignment Upload

Here, you can enable students to upload their assignments and choose between auto-approval or manual grading.

Course Association

This setting allows you to link the lesson with one of the available courses. Simply pick the desired course from the dropdown menu.

Sample Lesson

Designate this lesson as a sample lesson.

Lesson Release Schedule

Configure the schedule for when the lesson will be made available.