How to set course /video on demand

school owner can create a new course by clicking the “Add a New Course” button.

Course / video on demand Title

This is the primary identification of the course/ video on demand. Make sure to keep it brief and informative.

Course / video on demand status

Select the / video on demand status here. This can be selected between published, pending, and draft. This course status can later be changed anytime just by editing the course.

Course / video on demand Content

You can fill in the brief introduction of the course/ video on demand here. This will give an idea to your students about the courses/ video on demand, their lessons, and topics.

Featured Image:

You can upload the featured image of the course/ video on demand using this section.

Course/ video on demand Categories:

Select the category of the course/ video on demand.

Course/ video on demand Tags

Select the tags of the course/ video on demand. You can create the course/ video on demand tags

Course / video on demand Builder

YO!LEARN course / video on demand builder simplifies the course/ video on demand creation process by offering a user-friendly and intuitive interface. Without the need to navigate away from the current page, you can effortlessly incorporate new sections, lessons, topics, and quizzes into your courses. This article is a comprehensive guide that walks you through utilizing every feature of the course/ video on demand builder, ensuring that course creation and editing become a seamless and straightforward task.

Accessing the Course / video on demand Builder

For Existing Courses:
If you’ve previously established a course:

  1. Go to My Dashboard  > COURSES.
  2. Hover your cursor over the Edit icon for course you want to edit.
  3. Click on the “Builder” link.

For the new lesson:

If you are creating a new course:

  1. Go to My Dashboard  > COURSES.
  2. Click “Add A New Course Button”
  3. On the course creation screen, Fill out the Course Title and Description. And Then Click the Submit button.
  4. Once the Submit button is clicked you can View the Builder link


This tab allows you to manage the further settings of the course/ video on demand.

Course / video on demand Material

Insert the course material Here.

Course / video on demand Certificate

Select the course certificate.

Custom Pagination

Set the pagination here.

Access Mode

Choose the course / video on demand access mode from the dropdown.

Course Prerequisites

Manage the course prerequisite-related settings.

Course / video on demand Points

Fill in the course points.

Course / video on demand Access Expiration

Set the access expiration of this course.

Course / video on demand Progression

Course progression pertains to the manner in which a user can navigate within your course, with two primary choices available:

  • Linear ( Requires the user to progress through the Course in the designated step sequence )
  • Free form ( Allows the user to move freely through the Course without following the designated step sequence )