YO!learn Multy-step Wizard guide

When a school owner registers an account for the first time in Yo! Learn they get the opportunity of using this wizard. It gives the seller a step by step guideline to set up their store easily. At first, it shows an introduction of the quick setup wizard.

After clicking ‘Let’s Go!’ button, the wizard takes you to the school setup page where you have to provide details about your school. You can set how many products will be showed in your school page.

Besides that, you can include your address and other relevant information. In addition, you can define whether you want to display your email address in the school page or not. When are you done, click on the Continue button.

Please Note: You can skip this step, but you have to include this information later from you School Setting page.

The next step helps you to configure your Withdraw options. Pick the payment method that suites you best.

  • PayPal Email
  • Stripe
  • Zelle

After providing all the information, click on the Continue button. It will show you a confirmation message and ask you to go to your School dashboard.

That’s it!